SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Search engine optimization is imperative for excursion companies as you want your customers to find you as high up in the search engines as possible. Most people who search for your business tend to be last minute clients or are planning additional ‘fun’ while on a cruise ship. Either way, your site needs to stand out not only in web design but in rankings. With the ever-evolving changes of the Internet, you need an experienced marketing company that specializes in vacation and water adventure excursions.
SEO is a combination of:
- Information that is designed for both the last minute client and those planning an excursions while on vacation
- Social Media on availability, special offers & images of just what to expect on their adventure
- Backlinks from Directories with proven success
- Optimized copy on your web pages
- Well-designed website with rich content
- On-going management from experts who know SEO!
Keyword searches may be different, and yes, some people may search snorkelling, snorkel tours or snorkel tours Caribbean but we know just which terms you should be ranking on for your local area. Plus we can easily explain to our clients what works and what doesn’t because this is what we have been doing for 15+ years. This saves you time, money and gives you the peace of mind that hiring Charternet for your SEO or any Internet Marketing for your excursion business was the right move!
Learn More About SEO